Community Projects

In December 2020 the club engaged in a community food box appeal with its club members, friends and family and raised over £1,500. The idea was to provide food parcels to the most neediest of families and older folks for the Sandown, Lake and Surrounding areas. 


Partnering with local schools and churches we were able to provide food parcels that helped out: 


134 Food Parcels

204 Adults

367 Children 

£750 of food donation to the local food bank

Joey's story

In March 2021 the club heard of the plight of a local family who’s small child urgently needed an operation and needed funds to get to Great Ormond Street Hospital sooner rather than later. As part of our community commitment we raised over £800 internally and donated it to the family to help Joey.

Charity Football Event

On October 17th 2021 we organised a charity football event to raise funds for a defibrillator which could be used within the football club but also for the community. It was a fantastic afternoon with a raffle, tombola, various stalls of food and refreshments as well as a match against the Isle of Wight Fire Service. The afternoon was a success as we managed to raise £920.29.